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Good Practices to Protect Women Migrant Workers

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Good Practices to Protect Women Migrant Workers
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
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High-Level Government Meeting of Countries of Employment, Women's rights; Women; Control and regulation of prostitution, Protection, Punishable forms of prostitution, Unionisation of sex workers; Migrant rights; Migration management; Comprehensive approach to migration; Migration policy; Irregular Migration, Feminization of migration, Economic migration, Labour migration, Free movement, Undocumented migrants; Undocumented labour;
Several destination countries have developed goodpractices such as signing Memorandaof Understanding (MOU) between countries of originand destination to ensure protection and benefits formigrant workers. MOUs may include agreement to useauthorized employment agencies, use employmentcontracts detailing terms and conditions, extendprotection under domestic laws to migrant workers,provide effective repatriation measures and takemeasures against trafficking and related illegal activities.Other measures include developing or amending existinglabor and immigration legislation to specifically addressConcept PaperGood Practices to Protect Women Migrant Workersissues affecting women migrant workers. It is in theinterests of destination countries, as well as womenmigrant workers and countries of origin, that suchmeasures become the norm and overseas migration forwork becomes regularized. The objectives of this paper are as follows: to enhance understanding of the profile andprotection needs of women migrant workers incountries of employment, especially domesticworkers; to share information on existing good practicesdeveloped by countries of employment to protectwomen migrant workers and facilitate the wideradoption of good practice initiatives and mechanisms
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