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Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Good Practices in Legislation on Violence Against Women

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Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Good Practices in Legislation on Violence Against Women
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
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Meeting Documentation/Conference Reports,
Expert group meeting organized by United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
The purpose of the expert group meeting was to analyze different legislative approaches for addressing violence against women; assess lessons learned and identify good practices in regard to legal reforms on violence against women; and develop a model framework for legislation on violence against women. The outcome of the meeting is intended to assist States and other stakeholders in enhancing existing, and developing new, legislation on violence against women and to identify good practices for the United Nations Secretary-General’s database on violence against women, which is currently under development in response to resolution 61/143, paragraph 19.The present report summarizes in Part II experts’ general guidance on developing legislation on violence against women. It then presents in Part III the experts’ proposed framework for legislation on violence against women.
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