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Our climate, our children, our responsibility. The implications of climate change for the world’s children

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Our climate, our children, our responsibility. The implications of climate change for the world’s children
United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
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Unemployment, Poverty, Community development, Social security, Social exclusion, Globalisation; Global warming, Food security, Natural resources
Many developing countries have poor infrastructure and lack the technologies that could help them cope with a changing climate, such as flood defences and early warning systems. They are thus more vulnerable to the impact of climate change and their children are the most vulnerable of all. The potential impact on children has been a critical missing element from the debate about climate change. Whilst there is a growing body of literature on the links between climate change and vulnerability, particularly in relation to the impact of natural disasters, research and advocacy activity on climate change and children specifically is less developed. In publishing this report, UNICEF UK is working to bridge those gaps. The report seeks to illustrate how climate change may impact on every aspect of the most vulnerable children’s lives and how children themselves can be central to the response. In doing so, UNICEF UK sets out the challenge before us – to rapidly develop a greater understanding of the impact of climate change on children and take appropriate measures to protect them from its consequences.
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