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The Trade in Human Beings: Human Trafficking in the UK. Sixth Report of Session 2008–09. Volume I

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The Trade in Human Beings: Human Trafficking in the UK. Sixth Report of Session 2008–09. Volume I
House of Commons, United Kingdom
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Document type(s)
Meeting Documentation/Conference Reports, Research/Study/Analysis,
United Kingdom, Trafficking process, Recruitment, Transportation, Transit, Transfer, Consent,
"...3. In the course of our inquiry we took oral evidence from Mr Alan Campbell MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for State for Crime Reduction at the Home Office, and from Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP, Minister for Equality; the UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC), the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and the Metropolitan Police; Europol and the European Commission; a number of the NGOs working in the field- Anti-Slavery International, the Poppy Project, Kalayaan and End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (known as ECPAT UK); the Gangmasters Licensing Authority; the Anti-Trafficking Legal Project (ATLeP); the London Councils' Children and Young People's Forum; the Association of Directors of Children's Services; Newsquest, a local newspaper group; and Mr Misha Glenny, an investigative journalist. We received written evidence from many of these witnesses and from 20 other individuals and organisations. We also wrote to the Embassies of a number of countries involved in combating trafficking; we received replies from just four. These letters and all the other written and oral evidence we received are published with this Report. We are very grateful to all who gave evidence to us..."
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